The small team comes with myriad backgrounds in Chemical Shipping, Port Services and Information Technology, and a unique combination of domain and inter-disciplinary expertise and a full load of great interest to make a difference.
"I hope our Smart Port is supported with a 1st-rate water-taxi operation we can all be proud of."
"We're proud to have digitized the least-digitized harbour-craft sector on the maritime value chain."
…… because we see under-utilization, excessive wastage and GHG emissions throughout the maritime supply chain from a stovepipe business model.
We believe the time is right to set our goal in achieving Aggregated Shipping: broadly means cutting unnecessary trips via aggregation via a platform business model.
…… because we see under-utilization, excessive wastage and GHG emissions throughout the maritime supply chain from a stovepipe business model.
We believe the time is right to set our goal in achieving Aggregated Shipping: broadly means cutting unnecessary trips via aggregation via a platform business model.